Archives for 2018
Fight Night Cormier V Lewis
Steve Dogs 
November 2018 Calorie + Workout Tracking
Workouts based on Billy’s workout.
November 2018 Goals
Here’s the goals for November 2018:
Dogsitting Butch
Got this little monkey for a while:

Built To Sell Notes
Here’s my notes from the book “Built to Sell” by John Warrwillow:
SF Weekend for McGregor Fight House Party
Skipped over to SF for a quick McGregor fight party at a friends new house in San Ramon
October 2018 Goals
TravelCon 2018 Notes
My good friend Nomadic Matt threw a conference called TravelCon which I attended and spoke at.
I went on right after Ryan Holiday and the talk went extremely well. Part of the talk was on how to create timeless content and re-vamp old posts, and part of the talk showed how I turned my whole talk & slides into this post on blog content strategy –>
Here’s some of my notes: