Here’s my goal sheet for April I post by my desk!
Goal #1.) Book Finish
This was a goal I was *supposed* to finish last month but didn’t
Now I’m working everyday for an hour to hit the “pencils down” date of April 30th!
Goal #2.) Copywriting Course Navigation Update
I did a bunch of usability sessions with new customers, and the constant thread I was seeing was The Copywriting Course…with all it’s courses and pages…was just too damn hard to navigate.
To solve this I’m installing a Slack-like menu that it always there, and you 100% use that to navigate the site instead of multiple navigation points.
Goal #3.) Swipe File Navigation Update
I am doing the same thing with We’ve been adding stuff retroactively to Swipe File and I would personally like to make it easier to navigate for myself. I will also be working to massively increase the signup rate to the SWIPES newsletter here!
Best of luck on your own goals!