There’s a class of people you shouldn’t make fun of…..because it might bite you in the ass one day.
It’s the people that do stuff.
Here’s what I mean:
EVERY successful person I’ve ever met.
…..has done a bunch of stuff.
This means they’ve created a lot of stupid little businesses.
This means they’ve tried a bunch of stupid money hustles.
This means they’ve repeatedly tried stuff and failed, or had crappy results.
This means they’ve done lots of dumb “side businesses”.
This means they’ve dreamt unrealistic dreams of running their own show.
This means they’ve tried businesses that “you told them so” would fail.
The people that do these things, are the ones I’ve seen become successful over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over.
When I was a bit younger I’d see people who talked a big game, got amazing grades, joined all the right clubs, and I always thought THEY would become the rich & famous ones. But it never happened that way. Haven’t seen it ONCE. Nothing above average success.
But the people who were CONSTANTLY UP TO SOMETHING….
…Even if it was small and stupid.
…Even if they always failed.
…Even if in some sick way, I got some sick-satisfaction out of seeing them fail…..(trust me, when you try stupid businesses, there’s a lot of people who sub-consciously want you to fail).
…those were the people that made it BIG.
Now I call some of these things “stupid” or “dumb” when referring to these small “tryout” businesses…..because that’s exactly what A LOT OF PEOPLE think they are….STUPID.
In most successful people I’ve met, I’ve seen trace amounts of:
…need to prove something
But ultimately I’ve seen the number one indicator of future success as being:
So next time you see a classmate, family member or colleague who is constantly trying out small businesses or side-hustles……you might wanna watch out. That fucker might be your boss one day. ;-)
SO…..what are YOU working on right now?