Currently my general accounts look like:
General Account: $4,002
Spending Account: $194
Spending Account 2: $304
Investment Account: $2,605
Bill Account: $79 <-- !!! At least I don’t have to pay rent.
Permanent Savings: $3,768
Charity Account: $338
Stock Portfolio Value: $11,066
Roth IRA: $6,912
Emigrant Direct: $5,015
Total Liquid Assets: $34,283
Credit Card Balance: $0
Business Holding: $6,657
Total On Hand: $40,940
As the old saying goes, “When it rains, it pours.” Right now it’s pouring expenses:
–New laptop hard drive
–New laptop bootable DVD drive
–New car on the way + Registration + Insurance
-Need new camera (Screen half whited-out after being crushed)
–Traffic tickets
-Unexpected $500 phone bill
-Paying programmers
–Buying sample products for photographing
–Defensive Driving
-Food (I haven’t had a proper meal in about 2 1/2 weeks).
-Trip to Boston
-Spending money – I still gotta have fun ;-)
-etc. etc. etc.
Luckily these costs are still manageable, but still….lots of expenses!
(I had to make this picture with PaintBrush….no Photoshop on these Law School computers!)
I was checking back to September 2005 in my blog to see what was going on, and I would have completely forgot about this stuff had I not written it down!
Sept 2nd: I tried to make more $$$ from House Of Rave.
Status: HoR is now making about $2,000+ a month. Thanks again Rob for hitting me over the head with the obvious.
Sept 7th: I tried to Get a picture with the Dalai Lama.
Status: Didn’t happen this time. I did however get to see the Dalai Lama sport a visor.
Sept 18th: I was mentioned in the New York Times.
Status: That was pretty nice to have. I’ve got three copies of the Sunday Times rolled up in my archives. My parents found out about this website after the article (Hi!!). My photo shoot was supposed to be the main image on the article, but apparently Jim is more attractive.
Sept 28th: I sold pixel squares on NevBlog as an experiment.
Status: So far that sale brought in $2,300 (minus 2.40%) in one year. I’m taking them off the site in a few days. That whole pixel thing was the epitome of a fad.