I’m all frazzled from releasing a new product today….but instead of trying to pitch you (since NevBlog readers aren’t necessarily all the target market of “wantrepreneurs”), I’m gonna show you a “Happy Accident” that occurred.
The SumoBusinessBlueprintLIVE: CASE STUDY EDITION is what I’ve been working on….and it shows people how to first VALIDATE their business ideas before going all-out making it.
Well in one of the emails I sent out….I wanted to “validate” if people even wanted this damn thing.
So I included this little P.S. snippet…..literally JUST to see the reaction:

Keep in mind, when people reply to that email, it goes to my PERSONAL email. Not some automated form or anything.
The email went out, and suddenly, I had page-after-page-after-page-after-page of this in my gmail:
….my iPhone damn near blew up when I checked my email!
It’s funny how I was simply tired & lazy, and didn’t feel like making a quick Google Doc for people to express their interest…..so I just told them to send it to my personal email, but I got this email which I found HILARIOUS!

My laziness made me “clever” …..I’ll take it ;-)
P.S. If you want to see all those sequenced emails that people really liked…..signup your email here and you’ll get them in 24-hour intervals: