…I think I have a pretty good life….and there’s two people I primarily owe that ALL to:
My parents.
I had a great childhood because of them.
I was taught I could pretty much do anything.
My parents never forced choices on me like a lot of my other friends’ parents.
They were unbelievably fair with me.
They were never overbearing.
They always had their own lives and didn’t make me and my brother the center of their whole universe.
I grew up in an extremely loving relationship.
They always have fun with everything they do.
When I was younger talking amongst friends, I would hear, “OMG I never wanna be like my parents”. I told everyone the opposite. I DO want to be like them!
Warren Buffet always attests much of his success to being born into a winning hand of the “The Ovarian Lottery” because he was born at a certain time, to great parents in a nation that rewards hard work and innovation.
I feel I got the same :-)
Love you mom & dad (I know you read this)!