What I was doing on:
Mixing Business and Pleasure for Profit
I enjoy: Being productive.
I also enjoy: Hanging out with friends.
What if I COMBINED those two?? GENIUS!
Fortunately I currently own a rave company, so that often isn’t hard.
Just recently we scouted out a spot in Austin to have a little nighttime picnic (always one of my favorite thing to do), and I happened to have an LED Frisbee in my trunk. It was a product sample I’d been meaning to take videos and pictures of.
It lights up at night, so naturally we started tossing it around, so I started snapping a few pics to post them on House Of Rave:
It’s fun to have fun AND be productive at the same time! Click on any of those pictures and they take you to the HoR product page….these pictures help sell more Frisbee’s, and we had fun doing it.
I did however find out the limitations of an LED Frisbee…apparently they CANNOT get run over by a truck and survive in one piece. I was overly aggressive in a throw, and it went in the street. A few moments later traffic started driving over it, and one lucky truck hit it.
The result:
With the exception of a partially-broken side….the thing still worked!
However, tossing a fast-spinning disc with sharp plastic edges isn’t always safe…so I decided it was the end for this Ole’ Yeller.
Like any male under 30 who’s about to throw something away, I thought it be MORE fun to first COMPLETELY DESTROY it…then throw it away!
Let me tell ya….that was one tough Frisbee.
Happy Labor Day
Kettlebell Post
A few days back Josh left a comment on one of my six-pack experiment posts:
You’re always trying new things. So I’d like to recommend a quick and easy experiment for you- concerning getting in shape.
You’re always trying new things. So I’d like to recommend a quick and easy experiment for you- concerning getting in shape.
Get a 35lb kettlebell and do one exercise (swings, snatches, etc) as soon as u wake up (stretch or do some jumping jacks first to warm up) and before you go to bed. The most important thing (besides good form) is to do this TABATA style. Google it and download the app tabata timer or use the website. Takes only 4 minutes, but holy $h!t will u feel this and notice a difference.
Now it’s in my collection of workout accessories:
I kind of always wanted one of these things, I’ve heard a lot of good stuff.
This post isn’t really advocating kettle bells since I haven’t really used it yet…but more of a “SEE…I do read the comments on this blog!” post.
Novelty, Beauty, Growth & Love
I was reading a book about the male mid-life crisis (the third book I’ve read on the subject), and I came across this marvelous passage:
September 2010 Goals
I’ve got my September 2010 goals ready, got yours?
I also put them on my iPhone just to make sure I carry them with me EVERYWHERE.
This month my goals are focused primarily on HouseOfRave and NevBlog. One is a current business, one is a hobby.
Also as an unofficial health goal I’d like to schedule my ab workouts for 3 days per week again since my abs recently shrank.
Experiment Ideas
I really wouldn’t know what to do with $300 and this blog.
In the past I performed the Bottle Water Experiment, the Painting Curbs thing, the Confiscated Goods experiment, the Inventory Control add-on to HouseOfRave, and The Scratch Lottery Experiment.
I kind of want to do the Lottery Experiment again, but with $300 instead of $100.
I’ve already done some other successful experiments with my own business lately, but those don’t get mentioned on the blog ;-)
Get Random
Bear with me as this blog changes its layout.
The blog is simply a hobby, so it doesn’t take priority….meaning it’ll slowly improve.
One cool thing I added is the RANDOM button.
Where will it take you??? WHO KNOWS?!?!?!
I also put one on HouseOfRave:
Getta good look…
….because the last thing to complete on my August 2010 goals is re-design this blog.
I’m just
testing out the
way this theme
displays different
styles of text on
blog posts
Carver Matrix for Monthly Productivity
I was reading a book from the library like I so often do, and I came across this interesting thing:
C.A.R.V.E.R. …it’s a way the military (or in this book, the Navy SEAL’s) use to determine which target is the MOST important.
Immediately I was intrigued because this could so easily relate to everyday situations not-cool-as-blowing-up-a-power-plant on enemy territory.
In the past I’ve wrote down challenges and goals I have for a month, and try to indicate which is most important. The biggest problem is I pull those numbers out of my ass. There’s no QUANTITATIVE number assigned to those issues to see which one is most important.
This method seemed to help with that.
A little while ago I wrote about putting my monthly goals on my iPhone….that was a pretty good idea that has worked well so far….but I think taking that up a notch and labeling them by importance would be even better. To do this I’d simply run them through the Carver Matrix. I did a sample run to see how it would work:
P.S. The book is called Unleash The Warrior Within….it was decent material with some good stuff tossed in.