@nevmed Thoroughly enjoyed your book. Easy read with good information.
– Norbu @Norbu
Neville's Digital Surrogate Brain
by Neville
by Neville
1.) Start a Google Doc and write the contents.
2.) Download the book as a PDF from Docs.
3.) Go to http://kdp.amazon.com and upload your book info.
4.) Hit publish.
It might not be the best book but it’s possible :-)
by Neville
“Books are the training weights of the mind.”
I’ve read a helluva lot of books, and they’ve helped change my life for the better, and maybe that’s why I’m so interested in making them (that desire comes/goes in spurts).
Two years back I wanted to see if I could write a book in two weeks. AND I DID!
But only recently did I think of publishing it on Amazon.
I buy pretty much EVERY book through Amazon Prime….and I was curious if I could get that little book available to everyone on Amazon.
And it happened……check it out!!
I just get a kick that someone can order that book on Amazon, and get my face delivered to their door!
When I show people the physical book, they get curious how I made it.
It was pretty damn simple:
1.) I went to CreateSpace.com
2.) Uploaded the book in PDF format (I wrote it in Microsoft Word, although now I’d suggest you write your book in Google Docs and do “save as PDF” when done).
3.) After entering in other random info, the book was ready to ship!
Within a few days, the Amazon.com listing goes up live. You can separately upload the same book to Amazon’s Kindle Publishing platform, and within a few days, the physical book and Kindle book get linked…..like mine are here:
I started giving out random copies of this book recently, and everyone so far has loved it, and said, “This makes me wanna go out and do my own experiments!!”
Just thought it was cool that nowadays you can publish something so easily.
Maybe if there’s a solid piece of material you wrote, you could upload it and get it published on Amazon.com just for fun too!
by Neville
This is another one of those “There’s-really-no-practical-reason-of-doing-this-other-than-that-I-just-want-to-because-I-think-It’ll-be-cool” experiments.
I have no idea why, but I feel like I can write, format, publish and print a PHYSICAL book for NevBlog within 2 weeks.
Correction, it’s not going to be a full-fledged book….I think it’ll be more of a glorified pamphlet.
I want to see how fast I can make a book out of my blog and get it in-hand printed.
So today I am officially kicking off the “Write a Book In 2 Weeks Experiment”!
I already know the end goal, so here’s what I need to do in the next 14 days:
That’s the rough plan.
Now I’ll soooorrt of be cheating, because each chapter I’m going to write has already been written. Essentially I’ll be making each chapter out of a blog post.
For example, I might write about the Facebook fan site I made a while back and then sold for a small sum. That whole saga was already done and documented:
…..so one chapter might consist of that story. It’s already been done, but it’ll still require a lot of formatting and re-doing the photos for the book version.
But if I keep up the one-chapter a day pace I’ll have some extra time to do all the other miscellaneous things that might come up (I’m saving a whole day for formatting errors…..there’s ALWAYS formatting errors).
Anywhoozle, I’ll be starting this tomorrow. First step will be to come up with the subject of the bamphlet (book / pamphelt).
Random title and subject brainstorms (based off blog posts I already have done):
Other suggestions are welcome!