1.) Write book and publish.
2.) IF stricter (been really lax on eating window lately).
3.) Advisory board pitch deck.
Neville's Digital Surrogate Brain
by Neville
1.) Write book and publish.
2.) IF stricter (been really lax on eating window lately).
3.) Advisory board pitch deck.
by Neville
Goals for November 2019:
Social Media Stuff:
Buffer scheduling.
Reddit posts.
Read 3 books:
The Davinci Code (get from library).
Remote (already bought off Amazon).
Million Dollar Consultant (already bought off Amazon).
Write 1 book:
Already got it started, think I can do it. Did it before.
Standing desk:
Sitting all the time sucks.
Standing all the time sucks.
But sometimes sitting, and sometimes standing is awesome!
by Neville
The goals for October 2019 are as follows:
Workout 5 days a week:
Self explanatory.
Semi-Sober October:
Abstain with exception of once per week….or if something is just really fun
Book per week:
Read 4 books in the month, different genres for each.
2 Classes:
Take two classes in something.
by Neville
by Neville
The next step in my finances is to completely replace my income for life whether I work or not.
I heard the quote from a life insurance person “You’re not truly rich unless you can replace your income without working.”
I have since been asking most retired people I know and most wealthy people I know how they’ve setup their retirement accounts.
The wealthiest people I asked have the simplest plans. It actually comes down to a basic equation outlined in my Fuck You Money Calculator. They generally have a big pot of money that sits there earning a very small interest (between 2% and 3% per year) invested extremely conservatively (60% bonds, 40% index funds, no specific stocks). Example:
Retirement Pot: $5,000,000
Yearly Interest: 3%
Interest Per Year: $150,000
That’s the gist of the whole thing. You just keep adding money to that pot growing it big, and then you can live off just the interest. No work involved.
One of my goals this month is to have the entire system setup so this happens automatically:
Roth IRA: Auto maxed out each year.
SEP IRA: Auto maxed out each year.
Retirement Pot: Auto invested.
I’m moving buildings in August, and I wanted to design an office where I can instantly start a call and it looks nice.
The goals are:
As a project I want to do this myself and not employ a designer. So I came up with this idea:
The idea was roughly lifted from a YouTube video I saw on converting a small guest room into an office:
Now in my head this all seems easy and will come together nicely, but we’ll see how it goes in real life
Sometimes when I’m being lazy AF I post internally to KopywritingKourse that I’m doing work and sharing my screen. Because I know someone might be watching, I don’t goof off and instead do solid work.
I wanna do this publicly more often. I did it a few weeks ago (FB live seemed like easiest option), and when I’m back in Austin more often I’d like to start doing it more often.
It’s not really that exciting for anyone to watch (4 hours of me sitting there being silent), but it does help ME finish work that I otherwise would procrastinate.
by Neville
by Neville
by Neville
Here’s the goals for May 2019:
Still in New York for the whole month.
Goal #1.) 20,000/200
Goal # 2.) Email Month
On KK I’ll be doing a theme of email. It’ll be all email, all the time.
Goal # 3.) 2 Writing Days
One of my prerogatives in life is to write a bunch of dumb articles and content and put them out to the world. For years I’ve reserved Wednesdays as a “Writing Day” where I schedule no serious appointments (such as consults) so I can write and let my mind casually think without a deadline.
But now I only get one Writing Day :-(
Monday: Team calls.
Tuesday: Consulting call day.
Wednesday: Writing Day
Thursday: Consulting call day.
Friday: General work followed by distracting weekend activities.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love these consults and calls, but they lower my output of writing. SO I raised all the prices by 25% to discourage bookings, and only allow them to be scheduled on Tuesday now (I love how easy Calendly makes that)!
Also I help so many people in the Members Area everyday that it feels like I’m doing consulting every single day anyway.
So this month I have made Wednesday AND Thursday full Writing Days!
The reason I like Kopywriting Kourse as a business is because it feeds my need to write crap…..and I get to be completely ridiculous on it.
I’d be pretty happy if the rest of my life looks like: Get obsessed with a topic –> research and write about it for a week –> get completely sick of it after a week or two –> post the article –> be done with it –> move onto the next topic.
Goal # 4.) 1,600 Net Calories
I’ve been pretty good about keeping calories in check and working out (the gym is on the same floor as me so there’s little excuse).
by Neville
Here’s the monthly goals for April 2019:
1.) I wanna start up Amish Hour again, starting at roughly 10pm each night. Obviously this depends on what’s happening at 10pm, but if I’m home it means I need to put away all electronics.
Usually when I do Amish Hour it has a few cascading effects:
2.) 1,600 calorie intake per day. I started at 185 lbs and lost 15 lbs in one month, but then plateaud there. Now I hover between 170 and 173 lbs on a daily basis. Aiming for 1,600 calories per day is a healthy goal for me.
It’s pretty simple usually if I just don’t eat all day (aka intermittent fasting). I’ve absolutely loved my time not eating during the day these last few months. It makes me sharper, there’s less decisions to make, and quite frankly it’s super easy.
I can make it till 2pm not eating super easy. 4pm is pretty easy also, but I start getting tempted for a snack. And if I don’t eat by then, I’ll often just go till 6pm or wait till dinner before consuming anything at all.
3.) NYC 200. I’ll be spending part of April and nearly all of May in NYC. Specifically Brooklyn.
4.) Oil the Machine. The Kopywriting Kourse Machine is working well, and it’s my job to make sure it’s oiled and remove any blockages.
by Neville