Bday today in SF!
Starting off strong with some work and pups:
Then new Apple Spaceship campus tour at 2pm.
Then Rollerskating!
Neville's Digital Surrogate Brain
by Neville
Bday today in SF!
Starting off strong with some work and pups:
Then new Apple Spaceship campus tour at 2pm.
Then Rollerskating!
by Neville
If you die on . You have left to live.
Total Years left:
Total Months left:
Total Days left:
Total Hours left:
Total Minutes left:
Total Seconds left:
Use the death calculator here.
The date that’s automatically entered is when I would like to die (November 17th, 2067). That will be my 85th birthday, and if I’m not dead already by then, I’ll make it happen.
I can’t recklessly kill myself at 85 though, there will be a small set of rules around it:
The current coolest way I can think to do this (and adhere to all rules) is:
I was born Zoroastrian (a really small religion), and a neat thing about the ways Zoroastrians in India handle dead bodies is they leave the body out for vultures to eat.
The theory behind this is your body goes back into the Earth.
I always thought this was kind of a neat solution.
By skydiving into an active volcano I would:
-Go back into the Earth.
-Wouldn’t hurt anyone.
-Would also get to SKYDIVE INTO AN ACTIVE VOLCANO which let’s be honest…..sounds awesome!
This idea has been with me for a really really long time. The way death is handled and discussed is currently pretty lame.
Think about it:
Every single person that has ever lived in the history of Earth…..has so far died. Therefore I think this “dying” concept is something that warrants some conversation, and maybe even a more humane way of doing it.
There’s many reasons I am a proponent of legalized euthanasia:
1.) You can’t control when you’re born, but you can control when you die. This can make a lot of people’s final years much more enjoyable and comfortable.
2.) By controlling the date of your death you can correctly forecast how much money you will need to live out your life. If you don’t know the date, you could live for 1 year or 30 years more. Those two different options require vastly different sums of money and planning.
3.) I equate the mental construct of “knowing my expiration date” to cramming for a test:
If you have a geography test in 6 months, you will probably not care too much at this moment and goof off. However if you have a geography test in three hours, you will probably buckle down and study like crazy!
For me personally, knowing the expiration date helps me do more things while I’m alive.
Some background about where this idea came from:
1.) I read a lot of books in middle school and high school that discussed this subject, and it made perfect sense that people should plan for their death. It almost sounds silly NOT to.
2.) On trips to India I’d see people being kept alive that in all honesty should just be put down. If someone’s life is full of misery and pain with no end in sight (in fact it’ll probably just get worse), why not put them down comfortably and in a humane way? We put down our beloved dogs like that because we want them to be comfortable, why not us?
3.) In high school I volunteered in an Alzheimers ward. It truly showed me how humans are mechanical machines that like all other machines tend to break down, require more and more maintenance, and at some point, need to be decommissioned.
Believe it or not I was heartless enough NOT to be affected by the patients with Alzheimers. I could handle that. What I DID feel was when the families of those patients would come to visit the Alzheimers ward, and the patient wouldn’t even recognize their own daughter or son or grandkids. Watching those people break down in tears from their loved ones not even recognizing them….I get slightly teary just thinking about it.
Common retorts to this argument:
“What if medicine advances and at 85 years old it’s like you’re 20?”
In that case I would modify the decision based on those new life circumstances. The equation I’d use is simple:
If life is sucky = Get ready for that volcano jump!
If life is great = Maybe keep on going.
“Don’t you want to live forever?”
Meh. Not really. I’d like to enjoy my time on stage, and then exit when the time feels right.
“How do you KNOW you won’t chicken out and not do it????”
This is an action I intend to take over 50+ years into the future, there’s no way to know for SURE this will still be my decision at the time. However at the moment, with the current state of technology, it is.
Neville Medhora (1982 – 2067)
P.S. If you’d like to see how much time (in years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds) you have to live, there’s a working Death Calculator at the top of this post!
by Neville
Random list of things in 2016 so I don’t forget:
by Neville
A few months ago I started working out occasionally with my friend Billy. What’s interesting is last year he randomly entered a body building competition and won.
His secret?
Eat well + workout + do that everyday for a year.
He got down to 3.5% body fat (which is INSANE) by just following that routine……but also closely tracking it.
I’m not aiming for his results or closely tracking every workout yet, but I’ve started jotting down a few things to keep me accountable on this spreadsheet:
I’m also following Billy’s 5-day workout regimen:
What’s helped a lot is joining a gym outside of my apartment gym.
My apartment gym is nice and all, but doesn’t have the same energy, vibe, or equipment as a real gym.
Years and years and years ago I bought a Lexus GS300. The car has been a beast over the years. In terms of cars and price it was an unbelievable purchase.
I drive very little here in Austin so I’ve never been in a big hurry to get a new car, but I recently picked this baby up:
It’s the exact same car, just a newer GS 350:
The old GS300 in the back, new GS350 in the front:
Interesting note: Since the day I got it, I’ve never put a front license plate on my original GS300. With this new car I’m finally road legal!
Look at dat ass:
The main thing I’ve noticed between the two cars is the level of technology. From the starter, the door opening, any functionality, the integration with my phone……it’s all electronic.
It’s amazing to see the level of technology going into these cars.
Hope it lasts the same way the older one did!
by Neville
I visited an offshore oil rig my dad helped design, it was pretty cool getting to actually go on one (normally it’s NOT a thing visitors get to do)!
These are huge billion+ dollar projects with thousands of parts from hundreds of different suppliers. Cool too see projects of this scale come together:
Something I found interesting:
To get this platform built and setup costs about 1 billion dollars. It can pump roughly $5,000,000/day in oil.
Assuming there’s only 300 full-production days per year, that’s still $1.5billion/year for 10+ years. This rig will probably scrounge up $10 – 20 BILLION in oil over the years.
Wow….oil ain’t a bad business!!
by Neville
For 9 days in May I went to Brazil.
Since my memory is pretty lame, I shall post random pictures of myself here in order to remember:
Places went:
El handstando:
My new rock collection:
Discovering Brazil…..or just posing like I did:
Beach outside room:
Levitating sand:
Cheesy pose:
Aprazivel restaurant in the treetops:
Going up Sugarloaf Mt:
Top of Sugarloaf:
Fancy Fancy:
I am a tree:
Streets of Ouro Preto:
Red art room at Imhotep:
This picture looks like a space base on Mars:
Met this dude named Jebus:
Escadaria Selarón in Rio:
Brazillian Coast Guard doing practice helicopter rescues right outside hotel balcony!
Rio is really pretty:
Hardcore security at soccer game:
Soccer game:
View from Miramar Hotel on Copacabana Beach:
Yoga dog!
Big J overlooking the city:
There was a comically large number of fire extinguishers everywhere we went in Brazil. Especially in hotels:
First class makes life better ;)
You know it’s fancy when you have 3 forks and 3 knives:
Successful. Passed out in United Lounge:
Random thoughts about Brazil:
by Neville
Hamma yamma.
I was out of town for about a month starting Dec. 29th, with a ski trip to Vail right before that.
It was Los Angeles for New Year’s, india for a few weeks, then Japan for 8 days.
Unfortunately I’m forgetful and won’t remember any of it, so I’ll post certain pictures here, and in the future when I see a few pics, all the memories will flood back! Hooray for having a blog!
I’m literally making this post whilst at a SuperBowl party right now, so it’ll be kinda lame:
by Neville
I started NevBlog for one reason:
To track my finances.
In 2004 there were limited ways to do this, so the chronological order of a blog made the most sense.
So NevBlog was born. You can see it here in all it’s glory thanks to the WaybackMachine!
Through the magic of the internets, people somehow would stumble upon my blog and read it. The blog was a side-project for fun and documentation.
Somewhere along the way business somehow got mixed up with it. Which is fine, but moves the blog away from it’s roots.
I think in the next year I’ll be switching that up. I’ve started posting kopywriting stuff on a different blog now:
It’s still in the infant stages and will be changing a lot. But it’ll be nice to separate this stuff from NevBlog stuff.
And I REAAALLLYYYY miss that little column on the original NevBlog where’d I’d track all my finances. THAT was cool :-)
by Neville
Just for fun I 3D printed a whole set of chess pieces!
I tweeted it out and even MakerBot actually re-tweeted it :-)
I simply downloaded all the files from this chess set file:
….and printed each one out individually.
They came out amazingly well, and I’ve already been playing :-)
by Neville
DAMN it feels good to be getting stuff done recently!!
I’m not saying I’m working a lot more than normal, but I’ve been gaining “momentum” once again (I scheduled my 2013 too lax, and barely got anything done).
There are literally days when I work at home and watch YouTube and read Digg the ENTIRE….ENTIRE….ENTIRE DAY.
It almost amazes me how I can waste that much time.
It’s almost…….impressive!
Anyhow, here’s some things I’ve done this year that have helped me get my mojo back, perhaps you can pick some lessons (my favorite is the last one):
1.) I took a Thailand Workcation.
This was mixture of play and work. But the main objective was:
“Do work, by a beach”.
That was the motto of the trip:
2.) Scheduling creative writing times with other bloggers/entrepreneurs.
Simply being around other people who are working towards similar things really helps. On some Wednesdays I invite a couple people over to have “Creative Writing Time”. The rules are you have to be WRITING something:
Here’s me, Noah Kagan, and Ryan Holiday in a pool (even thought it’s 50 degrees outside):
3.) Keeping accountable with other entrepreneur peeps.
My friend Billy from Forever Jobless and I are meeting with a select group of people every month, and the lessons learned are awesome. It almost makes you wanna do a lot of stuff before each call.
4.) Co-working when I’m not being productive.
Simply working around another person makes me more productive. I dunno why, but it sure works! I just call people up and see if they want to work.
5.) I put up a giant mirror in front of my workspace.
Instead of a guitar sitting right there, I now see my monthly/quarterly goals staring me in the face. Sure kicks me back into gear.
6.) Using Self Control App.
But I think one of my FAVORITE new things I’ve tried, is nuking the time-wasting sites I use. I do this using Self-Control App.
I added a blacklist of:,,, and
When I click the “start” button on SelfControlApp, I can no longer access those sites for a certain amount of time (I’ll generally put it for 5 hours).
However I can still access Gmail, Google Docs, Aweber and all the other useful things I use online:
If you haven’t been all that productive lately, at least one of these might help push you in the right direction!
Have a happy Thursday :)
Neville – A very lazy man
P.S. Oddly enough this Wednesday I spent from 7am till 7pm fiddling around with WordPress stuff. I actually had a lot of fun doing it!
It reminded me of college when I took computer science classes (which I got kicked out of the first year) and would sit at a coffee shop with headphones in and work on my laptop till 6am.
It’s weird how THAT sounds fun to me!