A course about a course… …course ….course :-)
1 minute song in 10 minutes
Me and my brother are waiting to go to New Year’s parties….and I walked into his room and said, “Let’s see if we can make a song in 10 minutes.”
So with the stuff in his room we started going immediately:
1.) I first laid down the doumbek drumming track as Ashdin recorded it.
2.) My brother then free styled some guitar over the doumbek drumming.
3.) I then randomly started babbling some Arabic-sounding stuff into the microphone (so yes…the singing is me…no, I don’t speak any Arabic….and thank god for reverb effects!)
4.) My brother then laid down a bass track on the MIDI keyboard and mixed everything together.
TOTAL TIME TO MAKE: 10 minutes
You can listen to the quick song below….and HAVE A HAPPY 2012!!!!!
Discussing Wantrepreneurs
Mont Blanc Pen Refill Trick
Randomly browsing StumbleUpon one day I saw this little video:
“Make a $200 pen for $6”
…..I thought this was soooo cool!
As a kid who used to collect mechanical pencils in middle school…..naturally I HAD to try this.
I immediately bought some Pilot G2 Pens and Mont Blanc Pen Refills
from Amazon. The pens are super cheap, the Mont Blanc refills are $6.00/piece. I bought two 2-packs of them.
Fast forward one week for delivery time and it was time to do some pen-surgery:
Notice how the Mont Blanc refill is eeeveerrr sssooo slligghttlly longer than the G2 refill. This is actually long enough to make them not compatible:
This means you get out some scissors and do a small little snip-snip. The end piece is just soft plastic, so even cheap-o scissors will be fine:
DONE! Now just insert the freshly-operated-on Mont Blanc pen refill into the G2 pen and it works perfectly!
You can even see which Mont Blanc-enstein pens you’ve modified through the casing:
I actually waited a few weeks to post this….just to make sure the pens were actually really good….
and I gotta say……..
Book Two weeks thingy
Well the book in two weeks is pretty much done.
“But Nevilleeee it’s been more than two weeks!!”
1.) Screw off!
2.) Lemme explain….
The book is done with the exception of some minor picture editing. I still have to upload it which is generally the easiest part of this equation.
However other projects are taking up a bit of time. As you may (or may not) know, I’ve become a semi-famous copywriter in the last 4 1/2 months….so I’m being approached by all these cool people to do stuff for them.
Also I’m releasing this KopywritingKourse soon…and a lot of people have been getting anxious to see it (that makes me smile) :-)
Anywhoozle, it’ll be coming out on AppSumo on September 15th most likely…..so I’m busy making it the best I probably can. I’m 100% convinced whoever watches this video course will have their lives changed in the way they communicate (it starts with their writing first, but then permeates into regular speech after a while).
They already ran a test on how well the course would sell….
….and it tested through the god damn moon!
So ::cross-fingers:: it’ll do well :-)
Alright alright….enough about ME ME ME. Here’s something for you:
It’s Boo The Dog!!
Friend him on Facebook!
I’m slightly obsessed. He’s my most checked page on Facebook!
NevBlog.com on NewYork Radio
I was on the radio somewhere in New York!
Chris Gaddis scheduled me to be on his MONEY TRAIN radio show a while ago….and on August 17th we had the call.
These radio interviews are usually pretty fun :-)
You can download it here (right-click + save link as):
On this recording, the audio from my end turned out pretty horrendous…..but if you crank up the speakers you can hear me ok.
Writing a book in 2 weeks Experiment!
This is another one of those “There’s-really-no-practical-reason-of-doing-this-other-than-that-I-just-want-to-because-I-think-It’ll-be-cool” experiments.
I have no idea why, but I feel like I can write, format, publish and print a PHYSICAL book for NevBlog within 2 weeks.
Correction, it’s not going to be a full-fledged book….I think it’ll be more of a glorified pamphlet.
I want to see how fast I can make a book out of my blog and get it in-hand printed.
So today I am officially kicking off the “Write a Book In 2 Weeks Experiment”!
I already know the end goal, so here’s what I need to do in the next 14 days:
- Come up with concept/title ideas.
- Start putting Facebook ads out like 4HWW style to split test names (optional step).
- Find out what format to write in (PDF or Word) to get it printed correctly.
- Write Chapter 1
- Write Chapter 2
- Write Chapter 3
- Write Chapter 4
- Write Chapter 5
- Write Chapter 6
- Write Chapter 7
- Write index
- Formatting and editing
- Agree on title from Facebook ads click-through-rates
- Create book cover – Upload to service for printing like OffTheBookShelf.com or LuLu.com. Apply for ISBN number.
That’s the rough plan.
Now I’ll soooorrt of be cheating, because each chapter I’m going to write has already been written. Essentially I’ll be making each chapter out of a blog post.
For example, I might write about the Facebook fan site I made a while back and then sold for a small sum. That whole saga was already done and documented:
…..so one chapter might consist of that story. It’s already been done, but it’ll still require a lot of formatting and re-doing the photos for the book version.
But if I keep up the one-chapter a day pace I’ll have some extra time to do all the other miscellaneous things that might come up (I’m saving a whole day for formatting errors…..there’s ALWAYS formatting errors).
Anywhoozle, I’ll be starting this tomorrow. First step will be to come up with the subject of the bamphlet (book / pamphelt).
Random title and subject brainstorms (based off blog posts I already have done):
- 7 weird ways I made money through college
- 7 ways I made money without a job
- 7 stupid ways I’ve made money
Other suggestions are welcome!
How to improve your writing
I’ve got several different ways you can improve your writing:
1.) The day I improved my writing, amazing things happened:
I was running a business called HouseOfRave.com at the time that sold light-up and glow stuff online. I used to make this really fancy newsletter and send it out to about 7,500 previous customers.
So I was sending an email broadcast to 7,500 people….all which whom have already paid me money. This is the dream-list for any marketer!
However these fancy emails I sent would result in only 2 sales at most.
Until I discovered Kopywriting. It changed everything. The first properly copywritten email I sent out to that very same list results in 120+ sales in the first few hours, thousands of dollars in profit, and sold out inventory.
This was the moment I found out that changing the words around on a page can result in DRAMATIC changes.
I wrote out this whole story including all the numbers, full screenshots of the old newsletters and new newsletters, and you can download the PDF file here:

2.) I made a whole Kopywriting Kourse about this very thing because people kept asking:
One of the fun things I started writing for was a little company called AppSumo, which quickly grew into a big company. During that growth phase from 50,000 people to 500,000+ people, I wrote all the emails and developed a distinctive “style” people paid close attention to.
Naturally this level of distribution got some attention, and I was bombarded with questions about writing techniques and the psychology behind why those things worked.
We even recorded a little video about all of this:
So from there the KopywrtingKourse was born!
I originally made it in 2011, and since then thousands of people have bought it and watched it. I’ve then re-done the videos to be even better in 2014 and added more stuff.
If I had to boil down the KopywritingKourse into one sentence it would be something like:
In less than 2 hours I will show you brain-hacks, formulas and techniques that will make you a MUCH better writer in your business and personal life…..and it won’t be boring as hell.
If you’re interested you can buy the KopywritingKourse right now and start learning immediately:
(Checkout through PayPal –> It’ll send you to the KopywritingKourse registration page –> You can get started immediately). You can go here for more details.
That Kourse has all the things I’ve learned over the years compressed down into some super-simple formulas, techniques, templates and mind-hacks. This Kourse has single-handedly been responsible for changing people’s businesses and incomes dramatically.
There’s even a bunch of companies where this Kourse is the only standard-issue guide they must watch before joining (because good copy permeates all areas of business, definitely not just sales pages like some people think).
Learning the proper psychology behind writing to sell has been one of the most profitable things I’ve ever done to date. I’d highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly suggest you do the same!
Neville Medhora – Kopwriting Extraordinaire
Tracking Daily Income
Here’s something I’ve been doing just for fun:
Writing down the actual dollar value an activity has made me.
I already track my daily to-do lists pretty meticulously…..so after I scratch something off, I now write the amount of money it made me (if any).
Now there’s only a FEW things that literally put money in my pocket each time I do them, such as:
- Daily profit from HouseOfRave.com
- Writing a piece of copy
- Making sales from the Behind The Scenes product
- Selling an ad or link on this el blog-o
- Whatever else I do that equates to cold hard ca$h
The goal is to hit about $1,000 every weekday.
Some days I hit $1,000 easily.
Some days I miss by a few hundred.
Some days I far exceed that number.
….it’s just simply a reminder or the minimum I want to make (I always thought the minimum amount of money I’d be satisfied with is what a higher-end doctor makes).
Here’s a list of what you’ll make per month and per year if you make $XXX.xx per day.
I’m only counting weekdays to be realistic:
(I was just gonna make a boring Excel-style list….but thought Photoshopping it out would be more fun. The result actually turned out to look like an infographic)!
Meeting the copywriting greats
I was all excited for this marketing event thingy at the lake….and the conclusion:
As you may (or may not) know, I’ve become a semi-famous copywriter in the last 4 months….and this event brings together some of the top marketers (many of whom started by writing sales copy) from around the world.
Naturally I learned a lot stuff in the seminar parts of the conference, but the real value is NOT JUST GETTING TO MEET the greats in an industry….
….but getting to hang out with them in lots of different personal settings.
THAT is where the real value sets in.
I was all excited to meet Joe Sugarman again at this conference, because since I heard of him I’ve:
- Read everything by him
- Studied his work
- Copied the style of some of his work
- Used the principles he teaches to make money for myself and others
- Watched every YouTube video about him
- Downloaded interviews etc….
His work has actually added a major element to the way I work….and it’s exciting to meet a personal hero of yours.
HOWEVER it’s getting to sit next to him on a 45 min bus ride to a restaurant, or go boating with him, hanging out at the pool, or simply sitting next to him at meals and getting to ask stuff you don’t hear about in his work. This is where the networking happens…..because it’s not just “networking”…it’s actually becoming friends with someone.
Allllrriiigghhttyyy…..so here’s some of the highlights of the conference (well….the whole thing was a blast):
Here’s Joe Sugarman up on stage giving a talk:
Me with the great Joe Sugarman (and my Kopy shirt):
The first day of the conference, all 80+ people got on a big boat and went cruising around Lake Travis…complete with full indoor seating area, lunch buffet, three full-time jet skii’s and a wake boarding boat (not a bad day at a “boring conference” right?!):
Hanging out on a boat while Joe Polish goes tubing:
Hahah….Joe had a “tubing war” with a “hefty” Brit…..and judging by this picture I’d say he’s about to win!
We got treated to Joe speaking several times through the conference:
….and of course I got my obligatory picture:
I love all these pictures….but it’s more gratifying to hang out on a personal level with some with some other industry greats (some not so publicly-well-known) like Michael Fishman:
While hanging out at a restaurant by the lake I got a random shot of John Carlton and Joe Sugarman talking…..and with a little cropping and making the picture black & white it looks like they’re total badasses (or they’re asking “Why the fuck are you taking a picture of us?“)
Later on everyone got to hear John Carlton speak. He had a lot of cool ways to come up with a definition of your bid-nazz as well as other advice:
…and of course, the obligatory picture with one of the greats (who was good friends with Gary Halbert….another idol of mine):
The final speaker for the whole conference was Bill Phillips. I honestly don’t know toooo much about Bill other than he’s a HUGGGEEE figure in the fitness industry. I’ve heard this a lot in the past….and could tell everyone was genuinely excited to meet him.
Apparently he just had major surgery on both his knees, and up till last week was confined to a wheel chair. He can now walk a bit….but only with these massive full-leg braces. They kept calling him The Bionic Man :-)
….and what did you expect….a PICTURE with him of course :-)
I also made sure I brought my copy of “Advertising Secrets of the Written Word” by Joe Sugarman to get it signed….here it is!
Fantastic learning experience, great getting to mingle with higher-ups, lots of fun…and completely worth it :-)
I’ve scanned and posted my notes from the conference below. I dunno how much REAL value you’ll get out of them since most of it comes from BEING THERE….but here ya go, enjoy!