If you add a constraint to a task, you’ll likely think of a way to finish it by then.
Neville's Digital Surrogate Brain
by Neville
If you add a constraint to a task, you’ll likely think of a way to finish it by then.
by Neville
The best decision I made early on was to get into freelancing and then consulting work.
It forced me to explain my work to non-technical clients, and to learn how to teach.
Still learning to write, but @nevmed‘s book This Book Will Teach You To Write Better was a lifesaver.
-Matthew Weeks
by Neville
by Neville
[IMAGE] + [ARROWS] + [LABELS]. You can transmit so much information in one picture like this.
by Neville
There’s whole parts of Instagram showcasing barbering techniques, and they make AWESOME IMAGES that transmit tons of info in one graphic. It’s like a whole class on barbering in one image, like this:
by Neville
Space stuff is cool, and I love watching science-y videos on YouTube about how space, time, gravity etc work.
Often times people don’t know WHAT they are though.
Like WHY does gravity warp things and attract things? No one knows.
But recently Stephen Wolfram developed a new model of what our universe runs on, and it looks pretty damn convincing:
The basics are:
– Our universe is just a blob of connections, the configuration of those connections form matter or space.
– Space and matter aren’t different things, they are the same.
– The increase in amount of connections is time.
– The curve of those connections on a hypergraph are gravity.
– The basic rule of the universe is probably super duper simple, like A –> B.
– A computer needed to run this universe would roughly need to have a speed of 10^400
– Since we are part of the system, there’s actually no way to know for sure what’s outside the system.
So while it doesn’t answer every question, it’s the first time I’ve seen solid evidence on how time, light, and gravity work.
It’s also cool to note that we could technically create a full universe like this with nearly a single line of code on a computer.
After watching the podcast (4.5 hours long) you can understand this chart much better:
I’m not sure it will have a day-to-day impact on anyone right away except physicists….but this is like going from thinking the Earth is flat, to realizing it’s round and orbits the sun. Pretty cool some dude just “invented” this…very inspiring and cool!
by Neville
Dude gets married because of a book I wrote in a Google Doc (You’re Gonna Die)…..might be the best comment I’ve ever got on a blog
by Neville
Why the name of Kopywriting Kourse changed to Copywriting Course.
by Neville
No offense, but when I first started reading the book I thought Neville was a girl’s name…but I thought, “This chick is awesome!”
by Neville
This site is kinda awesome for brand & logo combos: http://squadhelp.com Super fun to browse through your industry….actually some decent brand names!