….and ensure I’ll eat well through it.
Ever since my six pack experiment, no sane person would dare call someone in my physical condition “fat” or “overweight” (this picture was taken today, AFTER a meal):
However, I’ve since stopped being as strict an eater as during the experiment.
The four months I spent tracking my meals (and getting critiqued on every single one by Adam at MyBodyTutor) left a permanent impression on me.
I’m not gonna lie, after eating well for a while, the two things I liked the most are:
- I looked good (at least to me) in a mirror.
- I feel a lot better and get stuff done faster.
I particularly like the positive streak of productivity the experiment left me in. It’s easier to wake up, easier to start my daily work, easier to concentrate, easier to work longer…hey, I’ll take it!
So lately I’ve been indulging A LITTLE MUCH in all the holiday parties I’ve been going to (damn I’m popular)….and you know what?
Meaning: the temporary act of eating “one extra” cookie or some other relatively useless piece of food is 100% forgotten, but I do live with the consequences of stuffing myself in the next few hours, and certainly the next day:
Waking up feeling sluggish, wishing I didn’t eat something I KNEW I shouldn’t have. It’s no good.
So to give myself a quick “reminder” to stay on track, I’d like to return to tracking my meals for the next 11 days before I go back to Houston for the holiday season.
I seriously cannot emphasize enough how insanely well this works.
(Adam will back me up on this).
The holidays will represent roughly 10 days of holiday parties, food and a schedule that won’t be conducive to exercise or productivity.
So to keep accountable to myself, I’m going to carry around a little slip of paper and write down everything I eat:
I will do this for several days, and post each day of eating on a piece of cardboard I had laying around:
I will be keeping this “Accountability Board” on the TV Stand (which I doubt will ever contain a TV) in front of my bed:
Track my food intake for the remaining 10 days before I go back to Houston for Christmas.
1.) Carry around a piece of paper and pen, and write down exactly what I eat, before I eat it.
2.) Stick each daily list to the “Accountability Board” I made.
I’ll be productive, healthier, and in shape (so I can show off to all my friends…duh). I’ll be happier that I’m productive and healthy, and therefore enjoy my time more during the holidays.