I’ve got several different ways you can improve your writing:
1.) The day I improved my writing, amazing things happened:
I was running a business called HouseOfRave.com at the time that sold light-up and glow stuff online. I used to make this really fancy newsletter and send it out to about 7,500 previous customers.
So I was sending an email broadcast to 7,500 people….all which whom have already paid me money. This is the dream-list for any marketer!
However these fancy emails I sent would result in only 2 sales at most.
Until I discovered Kopywriting. It changed everything. The first properly copywritten email I sent out to that very same list results in 120+ sales in the first few hours, thousands of dollars in profit, and sold out inventory.
This was the moment I found out that changing the words around on a page can result in DRAMATIC changes.
I wrote out this whole story including all the numbers, full screenshots of the old newsletters and new newsletters, and you can download the PDF file here:

2.) I made a whole Kopywriting Kourse about this very thing because people kept asking:
One of the fun things I started writing for was a little company called AppSumo, which quickly grew into a big company. During that growth phase from 50,000 people to 500,000+ people, I wrote all the emails and developed a distinctive “style” people paid close attention to.
Naturally this level of distribution got some attention, and I was bombarded with questions about writing techniques and the psychology behind why those things worked.
We even recorded a little video about all of this:
So from there the KopywrtingKourse was born!
I originally made it in 2011, and since then thousands of people have bought it and watched it. I’ve then re-done the videos to be even better in 2014 and added more stuff.
If I had to boil down the KopywritingKourse into one sentence it would be something like:
In less than 2 hours I will show you brain-hacks, formulas and techniques that will make you a MUCH better writer in your business and personal life…..and it won’t be boring as hell.
If you’re interested you can buy the KopywritingKourse right now and start learning immediately:
(Checkout through PayPal –> It’ll send you to the KopywritingKourse registration page –> You can get started immediately). You can go here for more details.
That Kourse has all the things I’ve learned over the years compressed down into some super-simple formulas, techniques, templates and mind-hacks. This Kourse has single-handedly been responsible for changing people’s businesses and incomes dramatically.
There’s even a bunch of companies where this Kourse is the only standard-issue guide they must watch before joining (because good copy permeates all areas of business, definitely not just sales pages like some people think).
Learning the proper psychology behind writing to sell has been one of the most profitable things I’ve ever done to date. I’d highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly suggest you do the same!
Neville Medhora – Kopwriting Extraordinaire