Well BOOYAH to the February 2011 goals. The new March 2011 goals are out:
Let’s re-cap:
1.) House Of Rave product selling on NevBlog.
This is the product I’m making that I talked about here. The videos are all recorded, and now I’m editing, uploading, formatting, setting up etc etc for it’s finalization. I must say I’m pretty proud of it and think people will really enjoy them and learn a lot!
2.) HoR updates from Mitch advice. Implement and document.
I really really enjoyed this series from Mitchell Harper of Interspire:
You can see it here. I think it would be beneficial for ANY business to follow this advice (it’s a great watch).
3.) Taxes finish. <– Least excited about.
This one is just a taaaddd self-explanatory.
4.) At least 30 minutes a day practicing bass scales.
Unlike taxes, this one is actually fun! …and I’m doing it for a reason. A very very close friend is getting married, and in most Indian weddings people do dances and other things during the wedding (or one of the 75 million events that precede it). Instead of a dance, me and my brother are going to play a jazz set during the final wedding reception before people go into the main ballroom!
Basically we’ll be playing “wallpaper music” which is just background music. However there’s an interesting problem….I kind of suck at the guitar!
Fortunately my brother is excellent, so he can pick up my slack. With this in mind it makes sense I “back him up” on the guitar or bass….and if we’re playing jazz, a bass guitar would sound great. So I brought my old bass guitar from high school to Austin and have started practicing “jazz walking” scales.
The bass is much easier than guitar since there’s only 4 strings and you generally just pluck one note at a time….so I’m picking it up quick.
The hardest part is getting my left hand strengthened enough and my right hand (I use to pick with) accustomed enough to playing for a full 30 or 45 minutes. Therefore I’ll be practicing jamming to random songs using my scales for about 30 minutes per day.
Perhaps I’ll record a few things and post them soon!