It seems like a lot of attention is paid to food.
Food is just temporary fuel for your body.
Food is temporary pleasure, but its longterm effect on your body is quite large.
Stupid old cliche or real statement? I think it’s pretty accurate.
For the Getting A Six Pack Experiment, in roughly 5 weeks I lost around 17 lbs total….and I wasn’t really fat to begin with. That’s a LOT of weight in NOT A LOT of time, HOORAY!
…did I also mention that I was working out LESS than I normally do that whole time?
So I was working out less, but got dramatic weight loss results FAST. Obviously something had changed, and it was my CHOICE of foods.
No no no….I didn’t STOP EATING food, that would just be silly…like not filling up your gas tank and expecting your car to run. Instead, I gave my car premium fuel instead of the shit I was previously putting in.
Eating healthy is NOT expensive….buying packaged foods that say “Healthy” on the label IS expensive. The best part is, those foods AREN’T healthy at all, so you don’t need to buy them!
Why eat them if they’re more expensive AND not healthy?
I primarily ate raw foods for this experiment, and the transition wasn’t exceedingly hard when I made up my mind not to eat any super-high calorie items that weren’t good for me (although it took some see-sawing first).
If you can’t do this yourself, you might want to checkout what Adam at MyBodyTutor offers. I knew I couldn’t do this myself, that’s why I signed up with the service…it keeps you in check everyday, and soon it becomes a habit that ISN’T hard to keep.
Adam didn’t recommend me to eat mainly raw foods…I was already doing it before I called him (I must’ve been one of his easiest clients since I was already eating so well)!
One of the main things I’ve learned through this experiment was controlling what I ate was more mental than anything. I’m the variety of person that DOESN’T eat when I feel emotions such as happiness or sadness (fat people tend to be the opposite)…if you have that problem, you DEFINITELY might consider Adam’s help. However I still had the “Food as a reward” thing going on in my head.
Successes were celebrated with big meals, and special occasions usually indicated a big feast was coming. I’m all for celebrating victories, but stuffing-myself-silly slowly and slowly seems less attractive. Why ruin a good victory by running myself down….what’s the point?
P.S. I actually first recorded this post, unscripted, on audio. I kind of like doing the audio thing now. The audio and post don’t really talk about the same thing at all. Here it is (click play):