One of the best investments I’ve EVER made in my life was a small book called:
This is Earl Nightingale.
by Earl Nightingale.
It was published in 1969, and I have an original copy I bought on Amazon for maybe $15.
I’ve obsessively read books since I was younger, and so many of them are phenomenal….but this is THE ONE BOOK I would grab out of my house if it was on fire.
I’m not a very religious person, and I consider this book, the closest thing I have to a Bible.
The book is just transcripts of a 5-minute radio spot Earl Nightingale used to do in the 1960’s.
He did over 5,000 of these small radio shows about various topics (he was like a blogger back in the day, but his medium was radio).
The book contains about 80 of these transcripts. Each being an average of 3 pages each.
Theoretically I can read each chapter in about 30 seconds. However every damn time I pick up this book, I read one or two chapters, and it literally takes me 10+ minutes or more.
The reason is each chapter is so incredibly thought-provoking, and mind-shifting, and new-idea-giving that they make me sit there and THINK.
It’s pretty damn simple:
If I’m confused, pissed off, sad, or lazy (or in some similar state that is not desirable)….I pick up this book and open a random chapter.
Within a few minutes of reading, I generally have a paper/pen out and am jotting out the quickest solution to my problems.
It’s almost like a sure-fire way to make me feel better since it gets me thinking RATIONALLY about an issue I may have, rather than just “oh poor me complain complain complain” shitty circular thinking that gets you no where.
I have no affiliation with Earl Nightingale. Or am trying to get anyone to buy the book for any reason whatsoever.
Just thought I’d share what I consider to be one of the greatest investments in myself I’ve ever made.